Fall Member Meeting 2023

October 28th | 11:00Am - 1:30pm

CAT is back! We’re thankful for your support of CAT.

For those who cannot make it to the meeting, please take a moment now to review these candidates on the ballot and our Strategic Plan created from member input. The Board currently has 8 members and can have up to 15 members so - please decide on each candidate, you do not have to choose between candidates. There's enough room for all to be elected and to still add more. Do you want to join the CAT Board next year? Contact Kim at Kim@oregoncat.org if you interested in joining the CAT Board.

Кандидаты в члены Совета CAT

Мусонда Мванго

CAT Treasurer

Мусонда работала добровольцем на горячей линии CAT и была очень рада возможности помогать людям, испытывающим трудности с предметами первой необходимости. Мусонда служит в больших церковных общинах, что требует внимания к деталям, тщательного планирования в сочетании с большим состраданием.

Crystalyn Black

I believe that Housing is the cornerstone for happy, healthy families. Through safe, accommodating, and affordable housing other dreams can develop. As a CAT Board Member, I would have the privilege of assisting tenants advocate for housing justice. I have experience serving as an AmeriCorps as a Housing Legal Advocate, volunteering as a Fair Housing Tester, working with a Housing Authority assisting clients to gain access to Housing Choice Vouchers, and currently as a Policy Analyst working on issues surrounding housing, employment, and community.“

Дельфина Андраде

CAT Secretary

I have experience in being with the Latinx community and knowledge in working with different cultures within indigenous communities. I would bring the board the knowledge of knowing what the greatest needs are for members of those communities, therefore have better advocacy, more help, and knowledge from within the board.I have a business in the Hillsboro Flea Market for 5 years and I lead the financial management of my business - I bring this experience that can help me in the work of being part of the board and helping the team of the board of directors in the financial responsibility of the organization CAT It empowers me attending the Cancel the Rent Campaign meeting every week and from participating in activities that we’ve organized. I’ve been a professional health promoter with the Oregon Latino Health Coalition for 4 years .

Review the CAT 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

During this meeting, we will be reviewing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and implementation plan. You can review the full plan and/or a presentation that gives an overview before the meeting.

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