Беседы о защите арендаторов
6:00 PM18:00

Беседы о защите арендаторов

A bi-monthly renters’ rights series where the Tenant Protection Team discusses issues to keep you in-the-know with landlord-tenant law.

This month we’re going without a topic, instead it will be an open floor Question & Answer session with Community Alliance of Tenants’ Tenant Education Specialists and Portland Defender attorney Troy Pickard.

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Annual Membership Meeting
2:00 PM14:00

Annual Membership Meeting

Do you smell it in the air? Kids are headed back to school as the last lights of summer are wrapping up. That means of course, it’s almost Fall. Which means, yes, that smell in the air is indeed Member Meeting just around the corner. SAVE THE DATE, OCTOBER 26TH. And this year, we are FINALLY back in person for our Annual Member Meeting after 4 years of virtual Member Meetings due to the pandemic. Our annual Member Meetings are a chance to vote new CAT Board Members, set the policy agenda for CAT, and gather with tenants across Oregon.

Theme: We Rent, We Vote

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Tenant Protection Team Talks (TPT Talks)
12:00 PM12:00

Tenant Protection Team Talks (TPT Talks)

Terminating your lease? Have questions about the constantly-changing eviction laws? We’ve got you. Join CAT’s Tenant Protection Team and Portland Defender lawyer Troy Pickard for a walk through on key things to know when facing either, Tuesday, September 20 from 12-1pm. Catch us live on our Facebook, or pre-register on Zoom to ask the TPT team your questions directly. 

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Vietnamese & English Renters' Rights Workshop
4:00 PM16:00

Vietnamese & English Renters' Rights Workshop

Join Community Alliance of Tenants & Legal Aid Services of Oregon for a FREE renters' rights workshop. We'll be discussing some of the latest information in Landlord-Tenant law in Oregon, and what you need to know to empower yourself in your home. This workshop will be presented in ENGLISH & VIETNAMESE.

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